Friday, January 18, 2013

Parque Pumalín: El Volcán

Our last stop in the park was at Camping El Volcán. Again we had a cute little campsite just to ourselves and we had a great view of Volcán Michinmahuida, which has a sprawling glacier on top. We walked along a short interpretative trail and learnt about indigenous Chilean trees and plants, and later on we were treated to a gorgeous little humming bird who came to hum outside our tent, and even perched on top of it for a while!

Our private 'fogon'

Stunning glacier on Volcán Michinmahuida

The volcano and glacier in the soft evening light: a perfect backdrop for our last night in the park

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hummingbirds are very brave little creatures - I've been divebombed by one when I trespassed onto the balcony near the nectar feeder. And when I dared to go out the back door past a flowering shrub. And when I had the temerity to sit in a chair in the sunshine next to some flowers. They tend to leave my cat alone, though. I wonder why?